Guo Chuang Renewable Energy passed the third-level enterprise certification of safety production standardization



On December 6, the list of Hefei City's third-level production safety standardization enterprises was officially announced, and Guo Chuang Renewable Energy successfully passed the certification.

On-site acceptance by the safety production standardization review expert group

The safety production standardization review expert group visited Guochuang Energy for on-site acceptance inspection. The expert group conducted the evaluation through sampling surveys, site inspections, data reviews, random visits, etc. Zeng Yongguang, Vice President of Guochuang University of Science and Technology and General Manager of Guochuang Energy, and Zeng Yongguang, General Manager of Guochuang Energy Deputy General Manager Chen Xuexiang, Deputy General Manager Su Jing and other leaders accompanied the review.


Shen Qingdao, Director of the Quality, Safety and Environment Center, and Li Shaojie, Director of the Intelligent Manufacturing Center, accompanied the expert group for on-site inspection and evaluation
​The expert group conducted an on-site assessment of the National Innovation Energy Park and learned in detail about the park's operations, safety management, implementation of safety responsibilities and emergency measures. They affirmed the achievements of the National Innovation Energy's safety production standardization construction and believed that the National Innovation Energy's safety production management system is sound. Through the evaluation results, the expert group certified Guo Chuang Renewable Energy as a "Level 3 enterprise for safety production standardization".


Combining safety drills, training and inspections to strengthen safety awareness

"Safety first, prevention first", Guo Chuang Renewable Energy has always attached great importance to safety production work, taking precautions in advance and building a solid safety defense line. In the future, Guoxin Energy will use this safety standardization acceptance as a starting point to establish a long-term mechanism for safety production standardization, standardize safety operations, and ensure stable production operations.

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